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2014-04-15 09:51:54
Ukraine: chaotic fresh produce price fluctuations last week
“For the first time over the past 4 years of Fruit-Inform Ukrainian fresh produce price index history, we have observed such a chaotic situation in the fruit and vegetable sector”, says Ms.
2014-04-10 14:16:57
Berries of Ukraine Conference moves to Vinnytsia!
Last year’s edition was successfully held in Mykolaiv and gathered record high number of participants. For the year 2014, the organizers decided to hold the conference in another large berry
2014-04-07 09:07:10
More active exports provoke jump in white cabbage prices in Poland
Last week Polish farmers said of lack of a seasonal increase in white cabbage prices due to low demand in the internal market and externally. Before the weekend they were ready to sell white
2014-04-03 12:22:52
Polish apple market on the verge of supply glut
“Those growers that managed to finish their apple sales campaign before the start of 2014 or in early January (before Maidan events) can consider themselves rather lucky”, Polish producers
2014-04-02 09:28:47
Discounts for participation in Ukraine's most important berry event in effect until April 4
Registration of participants goes on with berry and cherry growers, processors, suppliers of inputs and equipment accounting for the majority of them. The conference will also involve
2014-04-02 13:46:32
Polish onion in Ukrainian supermarkets
Furthermore, a week before supermarkets preferred relatively inexpensive onions of Turkish origin, while now they are more interested in purchasing Polish produce. Retail chains connect those
2014-03-28 08:30:00
Leading berry business experts at Berries of Ukraine-2014 Conference
The conference will be opened by Ms. Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform, with the presentation on the Ukrainian market for fresh and frozen berries, its development in the previous seasons and
2014-03-24 09:42:50
Ukrainian fresh produce price index down due to problems with exports to Russia
“A decrease in the fresh produce price index is connected with a sharp fall in prices of greenhouse vegetables, which were registered due to growing outputs and problems with exports to the
2014-03-21 10:21:34
Berries of Ukraine Conference moves to Vinnytsia!
Last year’s edition was successfully held in Mykolaiv and gathered record high number of participants. For the year 2014, the organizers decided to hold the conference in another large berry
2014-03-20 13:24:09
Ukrainian vegetable shipments to Russia recommence; now with full cargo inspection
Full cargo inspection means truck unloading, which may negatively affect the quality of vegetables. Furthermore, the customs clearance procedures may last up to 24 hours and even more, which is
2013-09-05 12:42:15
Fresh Produce Ukraine 2013
With some 3 months to go until the start of the exhibition the floor plan is already filled by more than 60%. More than 160 companies from approximately 20 different countries around the world
2013-05-24 10:41:31
Fresh Produce Ukraine 2013
Fresh Produce Ukraine 3-cie Międzynarodowe Targi dla branży owocowo-warzywnej na Ukrainie  Organizatorzy: BTO Exhibitions BV (Holandia), Fruit-Inform (Ukraina), CoD Ltd.
2013-05-24 12:34:26
Большое итальянское участие на выставке Fresh Produce Ukraine 2013»!
Организаторы выставки «Fresh Produce Ukraine» очень рады сообщить, о большом количестве итальянских
2013-05-23 14:59:39
Italians at Fresh Produce Ukraine 2013
Following the successful edition of Fresh Produce Ukraine 2012 in which more than 23 Italian companies participated a large increase in Italian exhibitors is expected for the forthcoming 2013
2013-04-03 14:42:39
“Berries of Ukraine” moves to Mykolaiv!
Ukraine's most important berry business event moves to Mykolaiv: such a decision was made by organizers of the annual international conference in 2013. Continuous change of the berry event
2013-01-30 00:00:00
«Fresh Produce Ukraine 2013» - специализированная плодоовощная выставка (Киев, 27-29 ноября)
В нынешнем году выставка состоится 27-29 ноября, и уже традиционно совместит в себе два важнейших
2012-12-04 08:00:00
Ukraina: rekord na Fresh Produce 2012
Dla rynków wschodnich spotkanie to jest jednym z ważniejszych. W tym roku pojawiły się 4 oficjalne reprezentacje krajów: Chile, Grecji, Włoch
2012-11-06 00:00:00
Fresh Produce Ukraine 2012: до начала работы выставки осталось менее месяца
Список экспонентов, уже представляющий около 120 компаний из 20 стран мира (Австрия, Бельгия,
2012-10-29 00:00:00
Fresh Produce Ukraine 2012
Практически все лидеры плодоовощной индустрии, суммарный оборот которой составляет 4,5 триллиона
2012-03-07 00:00:00
Fresh Produce Ukraine 2012. Подготовка к выставке началась!
С сегодняшнего дня мы начинаем принимать заявки также от новых компаний, желающих присоединиться к
2011-12-15 00:00:00
Восьмая международная конференция "Овощи и фрукты Украины - 2011. Новый экспортер"
В этом году конференция прошла в привычный для специалистов плодоовощного рынка срок - 30 ноября - 2
2011-11-27 00:00:00
Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011
Jest to największe tego typu wydarzenie we wschodniej Europie. Fresh Fruit Ukraine 2011 to doskonała okazja do nawiązania współpracy z producentami z Ukrainy, a także Rosji,
2011-09-14 10:20:28
Украина может выйти на второе место по объему поставок томатной пасты на рынок России
В течение последних полутора лет Украина уверенно удерживает свои позиции на российском рынке томатной